I am in the research stage of starting a tinnitus support / self-help group based in Brighouse. Currently the nearest one is run by my audiology colleagues in the NHS in central Bradford.

A tinnitus group would meet perhaps every other month, and would be free to attend, although there may need to be a (very) minimal fee to cover room hire/refreshments. To encourage attendance from as many people who need help as possible, regardless of income, it would perhaps be in the form of an optional suggested donation.
Although private tinnitus consultations are part of my work, this would be non-profit and I would be facilitating the group rather than teaching. As I have tinnitus, it may be that I participate on that level.
Groups are usually intended to be short term, so people would come for several sessions over perhaps 6 months, to pick up tips and meet others who are in the same boat, before ‘graduating’ from the group.
Groups would be an hour long, and tend to take place around 7pm so that working people can fit it into their schedule.
I would be really interested to know your opinions in the comments section. Would you consider attending a tinnitus self help/support group? Would a small fee put you off attending? Do you feel this is something that is missing in the local area? Have you wanted to attend a group but found Bradford was too far to travel? Are you attending an online group and find it meets your needs without needing face to face support?
Please get in touch or comment, as I really want to gauge interest in this idea!